Many people think IWIF is workers’ compensation in Maryland. IWIF (Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund) is an important part of the MD workers’ comp picture, but not the whole picture by a long shot. IWIF is the largest single insurer in MD. But the company only makes up 20% of the market.
In 2009, IWIF had 4,524 claims filed on their policies. Other insurers writing workers’ comp insurance policies had 10,843 claims filed. IWIF and private market insurance makes up just over two thirds of all claims.
The other third of claims came from self-insured organizations. These included governmental entities, hospitals, companies that self-insure, and private groups. 340 total claims came against uninsured companies or entities.
From the period 2007 to 2009, private insurance policy claims slowly decreased, as did claims against IWIF policies. Government claims roughly held steady, but made up a larger percentage as private insurance decreased. Uninsured claims have been going down slightly over time – a good sign for workers’ compensation insurance. All workers’ should be covered – the smaller the number of uninsured claims the better.
In fact, at the end of 2004, according to the Maryland Insurance Administration, the Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund had 33% of the market. There has been a concerted effort over the last decade to put more policy responsibilites on the private market. In 2003, that represented over 260 different workers’ compensation insurance companies.
Whether your employer is insured by IWIF, one of the various private market insurance companies, or a governmental agency, filing a claim is not inherently wrong. If you were injured in an accidental injury in the workplace – if you were hurt at work – that’s exactly what the insurance is for. If a tree landed on your car, you wouldn’t hesitate to file a claim against you insurance – that’s what it’s there for. So why would a personal injury at work be any different?