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Form H-44 is a claimant's consent to pay attorneys' and doctors fees.  Everything must be receipted and itemized.  Your workers' compensation lawyer will handle forms to the WCC for you.

Fellow Servant Doctrine

If another employee in your company did it to you...  The fellow-servant doctrine has largely gone away as the result of workers' comp laws.

Full And Final Settlement

As opposed to stipulations, full and final settlements (FFS) constitute the end of a workers' compensation case.  Cases that have FFS cannot be reopened, no matter what happens with the injury.  FFS must be approved by the Commission.  Your workers' comp attorney can assist you with a complete understanding of a full and final settlement in general, and especially as opposed to a stipulation.

Funeral Expenses

When there are dependents of a worker who is entitled to death benefits, the employer/insurer is entitled to funeral expenses.  The expenses are limited to $5,000.  If there are no dependents, the employer/insurer must pay all of the funeral expenses.  It is a part of the larger issue of death benefits under workers' compensation.

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