The articles below contain information about certain medical aspects of workers’ compensation cases in Maryland. There is info about doctors, medical records, rehab providers, medical evidence, medical bills, and more.
Workers’ Compensation Medical Records
Obtaining Medical Records or Medical Reports One of the most important aspects of a workers’ compensation case is to ensure that a work-related injury is well documented in a claimant’s medical records. Every time a claimant sees a physician, it is important for the claimant to ensure that the doctor knows that they are treating […]
Finding a Workers’ Compensation Doctor
When you sustain a work-related injury, a claimant is entitled to seek treatment from the physician of their choice. However, the injured worker should ensure that they inform the physician that they are seeking treatment for a work-related injury at the time of making the initial appointment. Some physicians do not accept patients who are […]
Authorized Medical Providers
Below is the list of authorized medical providers for Maryland Workers’ Comp. Talk to your attorney about finding providers, especially when getting a rating is involved. Finding a MD doctor for a workers’ comp rating is not as easy as opening the phone book. Medical Care for MD Workers’ Comp Licensed physician’s assistant Licensed acupuncturist […]
Maryland Workers’ Comp Abbreviations
This list was compiled using our general knowledge of workers’ compensation and the Maryland Worker’s Compensation Commission website at: We often get asked question like “What does MMI mean?” or “What is AWW in workers’ comp” or how does “Nature and Extent relate to my injuries?” This list is designed to help answer those […]
Maximum Medical Improvement
Maximum Medical Improvement, or MMI, has a great deal of significance in workers’ compensation. Generally, workers’ comp systems must provide for wage replacement when an injured worker can’t work, medical treatment, and some level of benefit for the lasting injury piece of the job related injury. MMI places a significant role in each of these […]
Providing the Insurer with Your Medical Records
This article is about turning over your workers’ comp medical records. Throughout the workers’ compensation process, many claimants may receive notices from the employer/insurer that requests that they either provide copies of their medical records or complete a release form, which allows the employer/insurer to request the medical records on their own. While some claimants […]