Workers’ Compensation and Work Performed Outside of Maryland

Workers who usually work in Maryland but were injured out of state on an assignment are eligible for benefits under Maryland workers’ compensation.

Employees who have an employment contract based in Maryland but work solely out of the Country are eligible for workers’ compensation in Maryland.

Workers’ Comp Benefits in Another State

If an employee receives workers’ compensation benefits in a state other than Maryland, the employee can get Maryland workers’ comp benefits only to the extent the Maryland benefits would be higher than the state where the employee got benefits.

Out-of-State Employees and Employers and Workers’ Compensation

For out-of-state employees who are in Maryland for an assignment (not in Maryland all of the time) and are injured in the course of that employment is eligible for Maryland benefits unless the out-of-state employer has workers’ comp insurance in another state and that insurance coverage provides the employee injured in Maryland is eligible for benefits and the other state makes an exemption for MD employers.

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