There really isn’t one “best” workers’ comp lawyer in Maryland.  It is the job of the workers’ comp lawyer to obtain as high of a settlement as possible for their client, the claimant.  Many comp lawyers in MD do this very well.  There is no best workers comp lawyer in MD, but there are multiple excellent ones.

Ultimately, if you are involved in a workers’ comp case, you should have a lawyer.  The number one factor should be your comfort in communicating with your attorney.  He or she should have time to spend with you and should be able to explain to you everything you need to know.  You need to feel comfortable.

The comp lawyer should know doctors and other professionals whom you will see.  He or she should also be able to handle all of the documents in the case and argue on your behalf to insurers, defense counsel, and the Workers’ Compensation Commission.  Your comp attorney should be aggressive, but not unreasonably so.  Ultimately, most workers comp cases necessarily settle.

At Warnken, LLC, we believe we have some of the best attorneys around.  We are diligent, tough, and smart as hell.  We fight for our clients.  Our workers’ compensation lawyers are Byron Warnken, Rebecca Smith, Matt Grogan, Jim Lanier, and Andrew Mazan.  Through the years, we have obtained more than $100 Million for clients.  Our senior partner, Byron L Warnken is often on the news discussing legal issues.  We will work hard as your workers’ comp lawyers.

However, we have no monopoly.  There are other excellent workers’ comp attorneys in Maryland.  For instance, Ashcraft and Gerel is an excellent Maryland workers’ comp firm.  Foran and Foran are good comp lawyers, as are Plaxen and Adler.

Call multiple workers comp lawers if you wish.  Call enough such that you feel comfortable you are making the right choice for yourself.  Best is the enemy of good.  There probably 20 different firms that have a claim on being “the best.”  Hire someone with whom you feel comfortable.

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