Montana Workers Compensation
Workers’ Compensations Regulations Bureau
In Montana, workers’ compensation laws fall under the auspices of the Workers’ Compensations Regulations Bureau, a division of the Montana Department of Labor and Industry. The Bureau is responsible for educating employers about Montana’s workers’ compensation laws, enforcing compliance with those laws, licensing employer organizations, establishing schedules for medical fees, and numerous other related activities.
Where to File
Montana also has a dedicated branch of the Department of Labor and Industry created specifically to streamline workers’ compensation claims – the Workers’ Compensation Claims Assistance Bureau. You can follow this link to their homepage where you can find information on filing a workers’ compensation claim, including benefit summaries, compensation rates and how to request mediation of a disputed claim. The actual form needed to file a claim can be found on the Montana workers’ comp website.
Montana Workers’ Compensation Calculator
An Uninsured Employer
The State of Montana has a fund for injured workers whose employers were not insured at the time of their injury. This fund was established so that these workers will be paid the same benefits as those whose employers were insured. While the employer will still be liable for the employee’s medical expenses and lost wages, if they are not able to pay, money from this fund will be used.
The Calculator
Whether your claim will be paid by a properly-insured employer or whether it will come from the Uninsured Employers Fund, it can be helpful to know in advance how much your claim will be worth. We know of no calculator specific to Montana. Our workers’ compensation calculator gives an estimate of the value of a comp claim in Maryland. It was designed using Maryland workers’ compensation cases and laws, as well as experience in dealing with claimants.
Montana Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
While many workers’ compensation cases are very straight forward, you may be best served if your interests in the case are represented by a lawyer. If you already have an attorney, hopefully you are in good hands. If you don’t have a lawyer and would like to be contacted by one, you can use our compensation calculator to make that request. Simply choose to be contacted by a comp attorney. (It’s an option within the calculator.)